Dart SDK CompilerOptions

CompilerOptions represents a more refined and structured set of options that the Dart compiler will use throughout the compilation process. It's the backbone of the compiler's configuration.


This class provides a comprehensive set of options that control various aspects of the compilation process, such as:

Use Case

CompilerOptions is used by various components of the compiler to understand and apply the settings that govern the compilation. It's a central source of configuration that the compiler refers to at various stages.



This variable represents the root URI of the Dart SDK. This is typically a "file:" URI that points to the directory where the Dart SDK is installed on your system.

If sdkRoot is null, the Dart front end will search for the SDK using Platform.resolvedExecutable as a starting point. Platform.resolvedExecutable is a property provided by the dart:io library that gives the absolute path of the Dart executable currently running.

This option is useful when you need to specify a custom location for the Dart SDK. For example, you might have multiple versions of the Dart SDK installed and want to choose which one to use for a particular compilation.


This variable represents the URI to a platform libraries specification file. A libraries specification file is a JSON file that describes how to map dart:* libraries to URIs in the underlying file system.

If librariesSpecificationUri is null and compileSdk is true, the compiler will infer a default location under sdkRoot, typically lib/libraries.json. This means that if you don't specify a libraries specification file, the compiler will look for one in the default location in the Dart SDK.

This option is useful when you need to specify a custom libraries specification file. For example, you might have a modified version of the Dart SDK with additional dart:* libraries, and you want to tell the compiler how to find these libraries.


This variable represents the URI of the SDK summary file. The SDK summary file is a binary file that contains a summary of the Dart SDK, including information about all the dart:* libraries. This summary is used to speed up the compilation process by avoiding the need to parse and analyze the SDK sources every time.

The comment mentions that this should be a summary previously generated by this package (the Dart front end), and not the similarly named summary files from package:analyzer.

If sdkSummary is null and compileSdk is false, the Dart front end will search for the SDK summary at a default location within sdkRoot. This means that if you don't specify an SDK summary file, the compiler will look for one in the default location in the Dart SDK.

This option is useful when you need to specify a custom SDK summary file. For example, you might have a modified version of the Dart SDK and you want to tell the compiler to use a summary of this modified SDK.


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